Querying the name of an object from a handle

I was helping another developer with some work the other day and thought that what we came up with might be useful for others. We had a handle to a registry key that we got from somewhere (i.e., some other unrelated part of the code had opened it) and we needed to determine the name of the key.

In the past I have wrapped all my registry handling in some class objects that also maintain the name of the key. Each time a key is opened relative to another, it copies the key name from the parent key class to make up the key name of the new class. It certainly works, but it seems silly to maintain something that is already being stored somewhere down in the kernel.

So we created some code to use the native API function NtQueryObject. It returns the object name in the form that it’s store in down in the kernel, but was just perfect for what we needed. The name comes back in the form “REGISTRYMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft”.

A few interesting notes about this technique. It mostly tells you what the REAL name of the object is, so if you’re on a 64-bit system and you open HKLMSoftwareMicrosoft, and then query its name, you will see that it is REGISTRYMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoft. However, if you open a file object with a short name and then query it, you will STILL get the short name back.

For a sample program, continue reading…

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