Debug Break on Access

I had to diagnose a crash in my driver code recently. Every time it happened, it was because a particular pointer value inside a structure had been decremented incorrectly. Decrementing the actual pointer is something that should never happen, and I couldn’t figure out how the hell it was. I had tried breakpoints in all the code that I thought was potentially problematic, and turned up nothing. Finally I came up with the following gem…

ba w 8 poi(frxdrvvt!ActiveRedirections)+0x78 ".if (poi(poi(frxdrvvt!ActiveRedirections)+0x78) % 2 == 0) { g }"

Basically, it says break on write access to the pointer in question, and if the value is divisible by 2 (since pointers have to be aligned on 8-byte boundaries) then just continue. It broke on the decrement I suspected was there and was immediately obvious what was happening. (It was my new code, but it was code I never suspected of being problematic because it was so simple, lol.)

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