Initialization Order in c++ Matters

So last week I ran into a bug in my code that exposed an aspect of the c++ language that I was familiar with intellectually, but had never run into before. The initialization order of member variables in a class is in the order of their declaration in the class. Basically this means that if your class declares a, then b, then c, they will always get initialized in that order, even you have a constructor that initializes them in a different order.

In my case I was making a class that would call a function every so often, basically duplicating a Win32 Timer object functionality. I didn’t want to pull Boost libraries in, which appears to be the best possible way to accomplish this. Instead, I wrote the following class (roughly). The idea was that it would create a thread that would call my function every 1 second. When the containing object gets destructed, it would signal the thread to end and then wait for it. This is not the best async code, but it was simple enough and functional for what I needed.

class Timer
	std::thread timerThread_;
	bool destructing_{ false };

	int ticks_{ 0 };

	Timer() : timerThread_{ [this]() { this->timerThread(); } }

		destructing_ = true;

	void timerThread()
		while (!destructing_)

	void tick()

So after writing this code I found that my tick() function was never being called. In a debugger I quickly found that destructing_ was set to true when I was expecting it to be false. It didn’t take me long to realize what had happened. Reordering the bool and the std::thread declarations in the class fixed the problem. This was actually a rule I didn’t know about until recently, and I was glad I had listened to a CppCon talk that mentioned it, because it would have taken me a lot longer to figure out otherwise.

The main reason that I didn’t notice it initially, even being aware of the ordering rules, was that in my non-example code, the constructor code was in a .cpp file, and the member initialized bool was declared in the .h file. So the ordering is somewhat unapparent when viewing the .cpp file.

Enabling Privileges in a Thread-safe Manner

So in basically every job I have had in the last twenty years, I have had to write some code to enable Windows privileges, such as the backup or restore privileges, which are required to import or export registry keys. It’s a pretty common operation and there is a convenient example on MSDN that shows how to do it. I believe that every instance of writing this code I have seen followed the same pattern: Get a thread token, or a process token if there is no thread token, then adjust the privilege on that token. Then undo the whole thing when you no longer need the privilege.

But recently I encountered a situation where there is large-scale threading going on, and this technique really backfires. The threads quickly start to disable privileges that another thread needs, etc. I started to look into a better solution, and realized that I needed a thread token for each thread so that the privileges could be adjusted on that specific thread only. I knew that the way to get a thread token was to impersonate a user, but I didn’t need to be impersonating another user in this case.

Enter the ImpersonateSelf Windows API, which is specifically designed for this situation. The API creates a thread token for the current thread, which then means that the enable privilege code can be safely called against the thread token (NOT the process token). This is a pretty straight-forward process, but based on my experience I don’t think it is commonly done correctly. The code that I have seen everywhere has definitely not been thread-safe.

REST Apis in C++

A recent project required me to call some REST apis on a web server from my client application, which was written in C++. What I had to do was very simple, to I first started looking at the WinINet and WinHTTP API families. This quickly turned into me wanting to harm myself or someone else, so I decided to continue searching for a library to help out. I looked at cURLpp and it seemed okay, but then I stumbled across the C++ REST SDK code named Casablanca. Since I have been on a modern C++ kick lately and have been enjoying some of the new things Microsoft has added to the compilers (from the C++11/14 standards), I decided to give this Microsoft-created open-source SDK a look.

My first impressions are that the syntax is a bit complicated and the documentation is very near to non-existent. I was reduced to combing through the provided sample apps to try to figure out what I needed to do, but it wasn’t horribly difficult. A few hours had me on the way to some simple REST calls. My first task was to call one of my APIs with a PUT verb, providing a JSON document in the request body. The following example illustrates this. One interesting thing here is the .get() call that comes on a lot of the SDK objects. This function is what waits for the asynchronous web call to complete, and then returns the result from the call.

http_client cli( U("http://localhost:8080/myservlet") );

//	PUT http://localhost:8080/myservlet/api/computerdata
ostringstream_t uri;
uri << U("/api/computerdata");

value body = value::object();
body[U("id")] = value::string( U("COMPUTER") );
body[U("version")] = value::string( U("") );

http_response response = cli.request( methods::PUT, uri.str(), body.serialize(), U("application/json") ).get();
if ( response.status_code() == status_codes::OK &&
     response.headers().content_type() == U("application/json") )
   value json_response = response.extract_json().get();
   ucout << json_response.serialize() << endl;
   ucout << response.to_string() << endl;

The get call is even more simple, since it doesn't require creating a JSON request body...

http_client cli( U("http://localhost:8080/myservlet") );

//	GET http://localhost:8080/myservlet/api/computerdata/COMPUTER
ostringstream_t uri;
uri << U("/api/computerdata/COMPUTER");

http_response response = cli.request( methods::GET, uri.str() ).get();
if ( response.status_code() == status_codes::OK &&
     response.headers().content_type() == U("application/json") )
   value json_response = response.extract_json().get();
   ucout << json_response.serialize() << endl;
   ucout << response.to_string() << endl;

These examples are incredibly simple, but illustrate some of the most basic uses of this SDK. The SDK includes a lot more powerful and complex operations, such as PPL tasks, which is a model for creating asynchronous operations that is based on C++11 stuff. The SDK can be easily included in your package from Visual Studio by using the NuGet package manager to include Casablanca in your project. It will set up all the include paths, etc. for you. The code, samples, and what documentation there is can be found at

C++ Trivia: Writing functions that take a function as a parameter

So I was recently writing some code to test some performance characteristics of lists and vectors. This was prompted by my watching Bjarne Stroustrup’s keynote from Going Native 2012, where he explains yet another reason why vector should be the favored data structure: it often performs better than list, even when computer science common sense tells us that it should not. (See Bjarne Stroustrup: Why you should avoid Linked Lists (Youtube) for more about that.)

So I was using the Windows performance counter APIs, QueryPerformanceFrequency and QueryPerformanceCounter, and I was using them a LOT, since I was trying to measure what kind of impact each part of the testing had on the system. (E.g., how much relative time did it take to find the point at which we wanted to insert or delete an item vs. how much relative time did the actual insertion or deletion take.)

Since I have also been boning up on new language features in C++11/14, I decided that I wanted to figure out how to write a function that would take a lambda expression to make this all easy to use. I wanted to be able to call something like the following (which is completely trivial, but shows how I might want to use this functionality):

auto time = my_timer_function([](){ Sleep(500); });

Now the way I have done something like this in the past is to declare a function prototype, and then a function for each thing I want to measure, and then pass them into a function that takes a parameter of the type of the first prototype. If that sounds like it’s a bit hard to follow, that’s just because it’s a bit hard to follow.

Well in C++ they added a few new features to make this much simpler and easy to understand: Lambda expressions and the std::function type. Instead of defining a function prototype (which is always confusing syntax and I almost never get it 100% right the first time), you can use a parameter of type std::function, which is a template that takes the function signature as a parameter. So the following block defines a my_timer_function that takes in a function that looks like void fn( void ), and measures how long that function takes to complete.

auto my_timer_function( std::function fn ) -> double
	LARGE_INTEGER countsPerS = { 0 };
	LARGE_INTEGER beginElapsedCounts = { 0 };
	LARGE_INTEGER endElapsedCounts = { 0 };

	VERIFY( QueryPerformanceFrequency( &countsPerS ) );
	VERIFY( QueryPerformanceCounter( &beginElapsedCounts ) );

	//	Call the fn we are supposed to measure

	VERIFY( QueryPerformanceCounter( &endElapsedCounts ) );
	return ( double( endElapsedCounts.QuadPart - beginElapsedCounts.QuadPart ) * 1.0 * 1000 / double( countsPerS.QuadPart ) );

The magic of the compiler makes it so you can pass this an actual function, or a lambda expression, or even a functor (object that can look like a function). So any of the following will work just fine…

// Lambda expression
auto time = my_timer_function( [](){ Sleep( 2000 ); } );

// Function
void MyFn()
	Sleep( 2000 );
auto time = my_timer_function( MyFn );

// Functor
struct MyFunctor
	void operator()()
		Sleep( 2000 );
auto time = my_timer_function( MyFunctor() );

C++ Trivia: Placement of const keyword

I was looking through some code examples last week and realized there was a gap in my understanding of the const keyword in C++. I have always written definitions like “const MyClass& c”, but in the code I was reading I was seeing a lot of “MyClass const & c”. Now intuitively I was thinking that this must be basically the same thing, but since I wasn’t entirely positive I decided to do a little research. It turns out that the use of the const keyword is a bit more complicated than I originally thought.

In the two examples I mentioned above, the declarations are functionally equivalent. No difference, just a matter of preference. For myself I find that putting the const keyword first is the most readable. But I understand that some developers prefer the second. I have read that people who prefer to read their declarations right-to-left particularly prefer this, as it reads like “c is a reference to a constant MyClass”, or something like that. I’m not really able to identify one as better than the other, so I will continue to use my own preference in my code, and if I am working with someone elses code who prefers the second form, I can conform to that as well.

But as I delved a bit further into this I started looking at pointer declarations. I have seen const dropped in seemingly random places in a declaration: “<const> int <const> * <const> x”. It turns out that the placement of the const keyword does make a different declaration in some of these cases. The const keyword modifies the item just to its left, unless it is the left-most thing in the expression, when it modifies the item to its right. So “const int * x” is identical to “int const * x”, but “int * const x” is a WHOLE different beast. The first two forms make the int a constant value, while the third makes the POINTER itself a constant value.

To illustrate, here is a sample function that declares the same kind of pointer (to an integer) but with varying styles of using const. In each case, the pointer is used to try to modify the pointed-to integer, and then the pointer itself is updated to point to a different underlying integer. The compiler fails some of these operations depending on the const keywords usage, each of the failures is noted with a comment.

int x = 1;
int x2 = 2;

//	Non-const pointer to an integer
int* p1 = &x;
*p1 = 42;
p1 = &x2;

//	Non-const Pointer to a const integer (two styles)
const int* p2a = &x;
*p2a = 42; // error C3892: 'p2a' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
p2a = &x2;

int const * p2b = &x;
*p2b = 42; // error C3892: 'p2b' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
p2b = &x2;

//	Const pointer to a non-const integer
int * const p3 = &x;
*p3 = 42;
p3 = &x2; // error C3892: 'p3' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const

//	Const pointer to a const integer
const int * const p4 = &x;
*p4 = 42; // error C3892: 'p4' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
p4 = &x2; // error C3892: 'p4' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const