Initialization Order in c++ Matters

So last week I ran into a bug in my code that exposed an aspect of the c++ language that I was familiar with intellectually, but had never run into before. The initialization order of member variables in a class is in the order of their declaration in the class. Basically this means that if your class declares a, then b, then c, they will always get initialized in that order, even you have a constructor that initializes them in a different order.

In my case I was making a class that would call a function every so often, basically duplicating a Win32 Timer object functionality. I didn’t want to pull Boost libraries in, which appears to be the best possible way to accomplish this. Instead, I wrote the following class (roughly). The idea was that it would create a thread that would call my function every 1 second. When the containing object gets destructed, it would signal the thread to end and then wait for it. This is not the best async code, but it was simple enough and functional for what I needed.

class Timer
	std::thread timerThread_;
	bool destructing_{ false };

	int ticks_{ 0 };

	Timer() : timerThread_{ [this]() { this->timerThread(); } }

		destructing_ = true;

	void timerThread()
		while (!destructing_)

	void tick()

So after writing this code I found that my tick() function was never being called. In a debugger I quickly found that destructing_ was set to true when I was expecting it to be false. It didn’t take me long to realize what had happened. Reordering the bool and the std::thread declarations in the class fixed the problem. This was actually a rule I didn’t know about until recently, and I was glad I had listened to a CppCon talk that mentioned it, because it would have taken me a lot longer to figure out otherwise.

The main reason that I didn’t notice it initially, even being aware of the ordering rules, was that in my non-example code, the constructor code was in a .cpp file, and the member initialized bool was declared in the .h file. So the ordering is somewhat unapparent when viewing the .cpp file.

C# Garbage Collection, or Why Did My Object Just Disappear?

I ran across a bug in a project just the other day that I thought others could find interesting. In this project, I had a main thread that was listening for connections and then serving back some data. I also had a timer that would periodically trigger an update of the data that was being served. This was using a System.Threading.Timer and therefore was running on a secondary thread from the thread pool.

The problem was that the timer would run two or three times (in fifteen minute intervals) and then it would just magically stop running. I initially thought perhaps locking issues between the threads, so I went through and locked everything that was shared, all to no avail.

And to make the problem even more frustrating, I couldn’t reproduce it in a debugger. I initially thought that this was perhaps because I was not patient enough to wait 45 minutes for it to happen. But it turned out to be a release vs. debug kind of problem: the release build had the problem, while the debug build didn’t seem to.

For research purposes, take as an example the follow little program. This program should have a main thread that just sleeps the day away, and a timer that prints out a debug message every 5 seconds. If I run the debug build of this, it works great, but running the release build on my machine, the timer thread didn’t even run a single time! Waahh?!?!

class Program
  static long i = 0;

  static void TimerCallback(object state)
    Debug.WriteLine("{0:D5}: TimerCallback", i);

  static void Main(string[] args)
    // Trigger the callback every 5 seconds
    System.Threading.Timer t = new System.Threading.Timer(TimerCallback, null, 0, 5000); 

    while (true)

It turns out what is going on here is that the system is happily garbage collecting my Timer object. According to the system, that t variable never gets used after it is initialized, so it’s safe to just throw it away. If you look at the MSIL using the ILDASM tool, you see the following for the release build. Notice that it does a newobj to create the Timer object, and then rather than storing it in a local with something like stloc.0, it just pops it off the stack and doesn’t keep any reference on it.

IL_0013:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.Threading.Timer::.ctor(class [mscorlib]System.Threading.TimerCallback,
IL_0018:  pop

The debug version of the same code like the following, and note that it declares a local object, and then stores the reference to the Timer object in that local object.

.locals init ([0] class [mscorlib]System.Threading.Timer t,
           [1] bool CS$4$0000)
IL_0014:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.Threading.Timer::.ctor(class [mscorlib]System.Threading.TimerCallback,
IL_0019:  stloc.0

Now once I figured out what was going on, fixing it was trivial. A using statement around the disposable Timer object keeps it in scope, and deterministically cleans it up when appropriate. (Of course, this is how the code should have been written in the first place, but look at the cool problem I got to figure out as a result of my lazy coding.)